Sunday, January 15, 2012

Catch Up Blog

It seems I was off to a great start with my blog. Elder Paerker was kind enough to set up the format and help me get thing rolling. The only problem was that I forgot that I had to log on to the site to create new blogs. Well it is a new year, and a new tech savvy guest (our daughter-in-law Jenn Hackett) has come to visit and I am ready to blog again.

Free Electric Car and New Assignments - Things have certainly been entertaining around the house, and we have been equally busy on our mission, so I will combine the two. Late in November on a cold Sunday, I started the day off by leaving my keys in the car and the car running, it may sound completely silly unless you have driven an electric car. The good news is the car ran for six hours, in a neighborhood where cars are sometimes taken away with a lot more effort. On that very same day we met with President Bevington and were District Callings. Sue to be YW Secretary and I to be YM President. In addition I was asked to counsel Branch Presidents and RS Presidents on Welfare Matters and do Needs and Assessment analysis within the District.

New Cuisine - It is always nice as you get older to experience new things, and with our visit we have enjoyed several traditional Salvadorian meals.

Family and Old Friend - Being back on LI has allowed Sue and I to get reacquainted with family and old friends. We caught a game at Hofstra University and watched a former Sachem player Dave Shananhan coach his team to a victory on a beautiful fall afternoon.

Visiting Elders - One Sunday late November we were scheduled for a Baptism but it was postponed, however we were able to have a lovely dinner and visit with with Senior Tornquist, a member from Sweden.

Wild Cat! - While feeding the Elder's breakfast, Sue spotted a cat that somehow found his way into our house (perhaps it was the unlocked front door but there is no way to be sure for certain). This cat had used our couch as kitty litter, our blinds as a jungle gym, and with the help of six people and a 45 minute ordeal where the cat ran and hid for his life, Elder Parker was able to swipe him out the front door with a broom, judging by his swing, he would make an excellent golfer.

Blood Trail - Mid January after returning from a walk on Jones Beach, we observed a policeman at our front door When we pulled in the driveway he came over to the car and asked if we observed "anyone who was struggling or in need of help." We didn't, and he went on to tell us that there was a blood trail from the sidewalk leading across the street to a parking lot for an apartment building. We couldn't help him and have heard nothing more on the matter.

Last Day of the Year - Our last day of 2011 was spent trying to recover from colds and chaperoning a youth activity in Lynbrook.

FBI/ Missionary Pancakes - Early in January we fed The Missionaries pancakes and allowed them to use our IPAD and Laptop to email home, the library was closed due to the holiday. Sue and I left to visit her sister Doris and right after we left the FBI showed up at the door asking about a neighbor. Of course, the elders had some explaining to do, about why they were in the house. The Agents took it well and jokingly called elders a bunch of "Deadbeats".

First Transfer Day - a very spiritual and kind of exciting event. We have two new Elders Ferry & Denton that are with us. Elder Matthews went to Jamacia, Elder Roberts and Elder Ferry came with Sue and I to give Manuel Rameriz a Blessing before his surgery. Manuel is an investigator we have been teaching. He is a challenge, but we've become friends and we have no pressure to Baptize. That is left to the young Elders.

Duty Calls - We received a call to pick up a sister set to go on mission to Croatia, unfortunately the she had a panic attack on the plane and stayed with us the next three days, until she was able to return home.

Nostalgia - On our way to the Midwood Zone Conference, Sue and I drove through my old neighborhood in Brooklyn. My house and apartment are no longer there. Apartments have replaced them.

Hopefully I will be able to write more frequently, as time will allow and will be more diligent in taking pictures of our surroundings and posting them. They will not be as dramatic as the Nevin's Africa pics, but New York is interesting.

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